At Apex Truss, we firmly believe that our people are a valuable part of the company. Apex Truss, a subsidiary of Apex Industries, LLC, has been established to fine tune the production of high quality and competitively priced roof and floor trusses using the latest design and production technology.
Apex Truss was founded in March of 2000 by Larry Dix. From day one, Larry and the Apex Truss Team focused on an extensive analysis of their business and industry to “Do What’s Right!” and how to improve every activity of the truss manufacture business.
“I’m extremely pleased with the talent and dedication of the employees we have at Apex Truss. They are focused and committed to do everything possible to improve every aspect of our business and add value to the customer experience.” We all realize that to be the best, we need to work harder and smarter as a team everyday!